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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の スクールライフ の中の 今日の給食 の中の 令和元年9月の給食 のページです。





焼きカレーパン 牛乳 アップルドレッシングサラダ 玉子スープ


【Today's menu】
Baked curry bread,Salad with apple dressing,Beaten egg soup
Baked curry bread is a dish requested every year. It is a dish that is made of fried chopped vegetables and minced meat, seasoned with ketchup and curry powder, sandwiched in bread, crumbed on the surface of the bread and baked in the over. Students like menus of Western food like today’s. Every class ate all of it.


ごはん   牛乳   さばのピリ辛焼き   おひたし  みそ汁


【Today's menu】
RiceGrilled mackerel with spicy sauce, Vegetables dressed with soy sauce,Miso soup
Today’s lunch was Japanese food. For spicy grilling, seasonings such as yellow soft sugar, soy sauce, mirin, and Chinese chillibean sauce are used. It has a slightly spicy taste, but it goes well with white rice. It seems that the students ate a lot of white rice with spicy grilled mackerel.


パエリア  牛乳  カレードレッシングサラダ  メープルケーキ


【Today's menu】
Paella,Salad with curry dressing,Maple cake
Paella contains various ingredients such as squid, shrimp, tuna, meat and vegetables. The smell of the butter is good and the color of the two peppers is also beautiful. Today’s salads and cakes were popular.


栗とまいたけのおこわ   牛乳  にぎすの唐揚げ   田舎汁


【Today's menu】
Sticky rice with chestnuts, Fried small fish, Miso soup
Fall is the best season for maitake and chestnuts in Okowa. Maitake is said to have this name because it looks like mushrooms are dancing in layers. Chestnuts are representative of the fall taste, widely distributed in temperate regions of the world. Students ate chestnuts from Ibaraki Prefecture for school lunch. Okowa, made using seasonal ingredients, had a good smell.


冷やしうどん   牛乳    いかとさつまいもの天ぷら   柿


【Today's menu】
Cold Udon, Tempura,Persimmon
The persimmon is a fruit of the fall. Some students aren’t so accustomed to eating persimmon, but persimmon is one of the most representative fall fruits in Japan. Many persimmons are grown in Gifu, Shizuoka and Nara. I told students that they cold taste the fall by eating persimmon.


きなこアーモンドサンド 牛乳 サラダ 豆乳と米粉のシチュー


【Today' menu】
soybean flour and almond sandwich, Salad, Rice flour stew
Today’s stew was thickened with rice flour. Students ate all the vegetables and potato stew.


ごはん 牛乳 ししゃものごま焼き きんぴらごぼう かき玉汁


【Today's menu】
Rice,Grilled Shisyamo with sesame,Chopped burdock root cooked in sugar and soy sauce,Beaten egg soup
It seems that the word “rice” is based on the Kanji “hachijuhachi”. It is said that it takes 88 hassles to make rice. We eat what has life every day. I think that the people who grow that important food should be respected, so I want students to try to eat and not leave any grains of rice.


こぎつねずし     牛乳     ふなきゅうり     けの汁


【Today's menu】
rice seasoned with vinegar, sugar, salt and various ingredients, Boiled Cucumber, Keno-jiru

Keno-jiru is a local dish of Aomori Prefecture. It’s a soup with lots of vegetables, such as radish, carrots, burdock, fried tofu and Koya tofu. It also contains green beans. I want to serve local dishes from various places for school lunch.


スパゲッティなすのミートソース 牛乳  野菜サラダ  巨峰


【Today's menu】
Spaghetti meat sauce,Salad,kyoho grape
Eggplant is a seasonal vegetable from August to September. The bright purple color of the eggplant is a pigment component called anthocyanin, and it also helps prevent lifestyle-related diseases. Students ate meat sauce with plenty of vegetables, handmade from the school kitchen, leaving no leftovers.


チンジャオロース丼    牛乳    青のりビーンズ   梨


【Today's menu】
Rice with Chinese-style stir-fry containing green peppers and meat,Fried beans,Japanese pear
The pear is an autumn fruit. It seems that the students thought the fresh and very sweet pear was delicious. I told them that seasonal fruits are not only the most delicious once a year, but also nutritious.


かきたまうどん 牛乳 もやしときゅうりのあえ物 月見団子


【Today's menu】
Udon with beaten egg, vegetables with dressing, Moon dumpling
Today is the moon viewing holiday (Jugoya), so we made food for the event. We made a moon dumpling with white flour, pumpkin, flour and kinako. Jugoya is a day to give thanks for the autumn harvest. We offer seven herbs with fruit, potatoes and chestnuts harvested in autumn. Spring herbs are put in a rice porridge in hopes of preventing sickness. Autumn herbs are something to appreciate.


坦々チャーハン 牛乳  野菜チップス 豆腐わかめスープ


【Today's menu】
Fried rice, Vegetable chips, Soup
We sliced sweet potatoes, lotus root, burdock and pumpkin and fried them in oil to make vegetable chips. Vegetables chips are very popular. Students said they wanted to eat it again.


ごはん 牛乳 鯖のごまみそかけ からし和え すまし汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled mackerel with sesame sauce, Vegetables with Japanese dressing, Clear soup
Today`s lunch was Japanese food, a bowl of soup and two side dishes. I told students that I would like them to eat white rice and side dishes alternately to better experience the taste. And I told them that they should be careful about how to place dishes and how to use chopsticks. The fatty meat of mackerel seemed delicious and the students said the fish was delicious.


黒砂糖パン 牛乳 ハーブパン粉焼 粉ふき芋 スープ


【Today's menu】
Brown sugar bread, Herb baked fish, Roughly mashed potatoes, ABC soup
Today’s school lunch was Western food. All are students’ favorite dishes. ABC soup with alphabet macaroni was especially popular and students were eating while looking for their initials. There were two side dishes, and students in all grades ate them up.


切干大根ごはん 牛乳 鶏肉ごまだれ焼 けんちん汁


【Today's menu】
Rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients, Grilled chicken with sesame sauce, Kenchinjiru-soup
Today’s rice contains dried radish that was carefully boiled. The rice was cooked with soup stock, seasoning and other ingredients to make a soup. I told students that I wanted them to eat carefully, without leaving any grains of rice.


中華丼   牛乳   パリパリサラダ   れいとうみかん


【Today's menu】
Chukadon,Pari pari salad,Frozen tangerines
The pari pari salad’s crispiness comes from wonton skin fried in oil. We eat vegetables mixed with the lunchroom’s homemade dressing, roasted sesame and crispy wonton skin. Crispy salad is requested each year. First graders ate crispy salad for the first time today. Students liked it very much and ate all it.


わかめごはん 牛乳  糸こんにゃくのあえ物  肉じゃが


【Today's menu】
Seaweed rice, Simmered meat and potatoes, Boiled vegetables with Japanese dressing
Today’s school lunch was Japanese food. Seaweed rice is a food that is often requested. It is a menu that uses many vegetables, meat and potatoes with lots of other ingredients and vegetables with dressing.


冷やし五目うどん    牛乳    青のりポテト    梨


【Today's menu】
Cold Udon,Fried potatoes with blue seaweed,Japanese Pear
We often eat potato dishes with udon. Today we fried the potatoes and coated them with blue seaweed and salt. Both are delicious dishes during the hot season. Students said “I like all of today’s dishes.”


カレーライス    牛乳     海藻サラダ    りんご


【Today's menu】
Curry and rice, Salad,Apple
Today is the first time we have had school lunch in a while. After summer vacation, we want to have menu popular with students. This is a time when you may lose your appetite because of the heat, but students ate all the curry and rice and salad. There is no air conditioning facility in the school kitchen. There are days when the temperature is over 30℃ and the humidity is over 70%, but we cook a delicious lunch with all our hearts.







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