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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 令和6年度後期  今週の朝礼 のページです。


令和6年度後期  今週の朝礼


令和6年度10月15日〜  October, 2024  

令和6年11月25日(月曜日) 「方言」 3年担任A.M.先生


早速ですが、私がどこから来たか知っていますか。私は和歌山県から、4月に東京に来ました。和歌山県は、日本を大きく西と東に分けると、西側の関西にあります。私は関西人です。皆さんのいる東京は、東の方にあるので、関東にあります。関西と関東では、言葉の話し方に違いがあります。それを方言と言います。今日は方言についてお話しします。 皆さんは、人にお礼を言うときなんと言いますか?「ありがとう」ですね。東京の人は「ありがとう」の「あり」のところを強く言いますよね。私の生まれ育った関西では、真ん中の方が上がります。ですから、「あり」がとう、ではなく、ありが「とう」という感じになります。他にも言葉は同じでも、発音が違う言葉がいくつかあります。大阪にある遊園地、ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンですが、短く約すと「ユニバ」となりますよね。みなさんは「ユ」に力が入っていると思いますが、関西ではユ「ニ」バとなります。関西では後ろや真ん中が音が上がるようになっています。お名前も同じことが言えます。例えば、私の名字は「あ」○○ですが、関西では、あ「○」○という言い方をします。もしかしたら、皆さんの名字も、関西では呼ばれ方が違う、ということもあるかもしれません。


Good morning. I am A, the homeroom teacher of Class 3-2.
To start, do you know where I come from? I came to Tokyo from Wakayama Prefecture in April. Wakayama is located in the Kansai region, in the western part of Japan, where you divide the country into east and west. I am a Kansai person. Where you all are, Tokyo is in the eastern part of Japan, known as the Kanto region. There are differences in how people speak between Kansai and Kanto, which we call dialects. Today, I will talk about dialects.
When you thank someone, what do you say? "Arigatou," right? In Tokyo, people emphasize the "ari" part of "arigatou." The middle part is emphasized in Kansai, where I was born and raised. So, instead of "ari"gatou, it sounds more like ariga"tou." Other words are pronounced differently, even though they are the exact words. For example, the amusement park Universal Studios Japan in Osaka is often shortened to "Yuniba." You might emphasize the "Yu" in "Yuniba," but in Kansai, we emphasize the "ni," making it Yu"ni"ba. In Kansai, the emphasis often falls on the word's middle or end. The same goes for names. For example, my last name is "A"○○, but in Kansai, it would be pronounced A"○"○. Your family names might also be pronounced differently in Kansai.
As you can see, the exact words can be pronounced differently. If you're interested, please look into dialects.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.

令和6年11月18日(月曜日) 「私の名前、好きなこと」6年担任M.K.先生  Monday, November 18th, 2024 "About My Name and My Favorites" by Ms. M. K., a 6th grade teacher


私の名前はM.K.です。名前の4文字の漢字は、三つは1年生で習う漢字です。Kの字は「響」という字を書きます。難しいでしょう?「響く」っていう字です。私が生まれたときに私の両親や祖父母が話し合って、この字のKと決めたと教えてもらいました。「響く」そして「心を響かせる」という意味で、この字に決めたそうです。周りの人の言葉に、心を響かせて、喜んだり悲しんだり、自分の行動を決められる人になってほしいという思いがこめられているそうです。でも、難しい字ですね。画数で言うと20画です。私がこの字が書けるようになるまでにはすごく時間がかかりました。正しくかけるようになるまで、とても大変でした。ですが、書けるようになってからは、この名前がすごく好きになりました。よく見ると「音」という字が入っているのがわかりますか? 音楽の「音」という字が入っていて、私はこの字がすごく気に入りました。私の親に、「なぜこんなに画数の多い字を付けたの?」と聞いたことがあります。そうしたら、「Kという名前は、いろいろな漢字で書けるのだけれど、「響く」という意味と、画数が多い字だからこそ字を丁寧に書ける人になってほしいという願いがあるんだよ。」と教えてくれました。もちろん、雑になってしまうこともあるのですが、この字を見るたびに、字は丁寧に書きたいなと今でも思っています。私はこの字を付けてもらって、音楽がとても好きになりました。歌ったり、楽器を演奏したり、聴いたりするのがとても好きになりました。字を丁寧に書くと言う願いをこめてもらったおかげで、習字も好きになりました。歌も、演奏も、習字も、そんなに得意なわけではありませんが、とても好きなことになりました。

Hello, I am M.K., the homeroom teacher of Class 6-3. I joined this Dai-San Azuma Elementary School in April. I have worked at various schools before, but this school has a lot of children, and they are all very energetic. Many of them think carefully about what they want to do and what they should do, and I find them very reliable every day.
As a sixth-grade teacher, I often talk with the sixth graders. Still, I only have a few opportunities to speak with students from other grades, so I would like to introduce myself again today.
My name is M.K. The four kanji characters in my name include three learned in the first grade. The character "K" is written as "響" (Hibiki). It's a difficult character, isn't it? It means "to resonate." My parents and grandparents discussed and decided on this character for my name. They chose it for its meaning of "resonating" and "resonating with the heart." They wanted me to be someone who resonates with the words of those around me, feeling joy and sorrow and making decisions based on those feelings. But it is a problematic character. It has 20 strokes. It took me a long time to write it correctly. It was very challenging until I could write it correctly. However, once I could write it, I grew to love my name very much. Do you see the character "音" (oto) for "sound" in it? It includes the character for "sound," as in music, which I liked. I asked my parents, "Why did you give me such a complex character with so many strokes?" They told me, "The name K. can be written with various characters, but we chose '響' for its meaning and because we wanted you to be someone who writes characters carefully." Of course, sometimes my writing gets sloppy, but every time I see this character, I still want to write characters neatly. Thanks to this character, I grew to love music very much. I love singing, playing instruments, and listening to music. Because of the wish for me to write characters carefully, I also grew to love calligraphy. Although I am not particularly good at singing, playing instruments, or calligraphy, I love them very much.
Today, I talked about my favorite things and my name. Each of you has a beautiful name. I hope you will ask at home what kind of wishes are embedded in your names. If you already know, consider how it connects to who you are now and who you will become.
That's all. Thank you for listening.



今週2年生は、生活科見学で上野動物園に行きます。3年生から6年生は遠足で上野動物園にみんなで行ったことがあると思います。今日は、上野動物園の話をしたいと思います。上野動物園は日本で一番始めにできた動物園です。では、ここで問題です。上野動物園は今から何年くらい前にできたでしょうか? 1 202年前。 2 142年前。 3 92年前。正解は、2番の142年前だそうです。最初は、動物ではなくて、「うおもどき」という魚を見る部屋を作ったのだそうです。今では、たくさん動物のいる上野動物園ですが、一番始めに外国から来た動物は何でしょう? 1 ゾウ。 2 トラ。 3 ラクダ。正解は2番のトラだそうです。なんとそのトラは、イタリアから日本に来ていたサーカス団のトラが赤ちゃんを生んで、そのトラと日本のヒグマを交換して手に入れたトラだそうです。では、最後の問題です。上野動物園と言えば、みんなが大好きなパンダがいます。パンダの赤ちゃんが生まれたり、中国に帰ったりしていますが、上野動物園には今何頭のパンダがいるでしょうか。1 2頭。 2 3頭。 3 4頭。正解は、双子の兄弟、2頭だけなので、1が正解です。9月29日にリンリンとシンシンが中国に帰りました。それで今いるのは、レイレイとシャオシャオの2頭だけです。
最後に上野動物園に関する本を紹介します。皆さん、この本を知っていますか? このお話は、私が小学生の頃は教科書に載っていました。戦争のころ、上野動物園で起こったかわいそうな動物のお話です。戦争の時、ゾウやたくさんの動物が殺されてしまったという悲しいお話です。まだ読んだことのない人は読んでみてください。上野動物園にはなくなった動物たちのお墓もあります。動物園に行ったときには、お墓も見てもらえたらなと思います。


The second graders will take a life science field trip to Ueno Zoo this week. I believe students from the third to sixth grades visited Ueno Zoo on a field trip. Today, I would like to talk about Ueno Zoo.
Ueno Zoo is the oldest zoo in Japan. Here’s a question: How many years ago was Ueno Zoo established? 1. 202 years ago. 2. 142 years ago. 3. 92 years ago. The correct answer is number 2, 142 years ago. Instead of animals, they created a room to view a fish called “uomodoki.” Nowadays, Ueno Zoo has many animals, but what was the first animal to come from abroad? 1. Elephant. 2. Tiger. 3. Camel. The correct answer is number 2, the tiger. Surprisingly, the tiger was obtained by exchanging a baby tiger born to a circus tiger from Italy with a Japanese brown bear. The final question: Ueno Zoo is famous for its beloved pandas. Panda cubs are born and sometimes return to China, but how many pandas are currently at Ueno Zoo? 1. Two. 2. Three. 3. Four. The correct answer is number 1, just two pandas. On September 29, Lin Lin and Shin Shin returned to China. So now, only Lei Lei and Xiao Xiao remain.

Lastly, I would like to introduce a book about Ueno Zoo. Do you know this book? This story was in my textbook when I was in elementary school. It is a sad story about the unfortunate animals at Ueno Zoo during the war. During the war, many animals, including elephants, were killed. If you haven’t read it yet, please read it. There is also a grave for the lost animals at Ueno Zoo. I hope you also look for the grave when visiting the Ueno Zoo.

令和6年11月5日(火曜日) 「『障害』って何?」川中子校長 

 今年は2024年。夏にオリンピックが行われました。今年はどこでオリンピックが行われたか覚えていますか? そうですね、パリ。フランスのパリで行われました。オリンピックと合わせて、もう一つのスポーツの祭典が行われましたね。そうです、パラリンピックです。日本の選手も大活躍のオリンピック、パラリンピックでした。
 ところで、パラリンピックっていうのはどんなものか知っていますか? パラリンピックというのは、障害のあるトップアスリートが出場する世界最高峰のスポーツ競技大会です。今年の夏休み中に、子供会のイベントで、体育館でいろいろなパラスポーツ体験会が行われました。ボッチャとか車椅子バスケットボールとかブラインドサッカーとか。義足体験もありましたね。
 皆さんは「障害物」という言葉は聞いたことがありますか? 三吾スポーツフェスタにはありませんでしたが、運動会の競技などでも「障害物競争」なんていうのもあります。みんなが走るトラック上に、ハードルやネットなど、さまざまな邪魔なものが置いてあって、それを何とか超えて走る競争です。この場合、「障害物」というのは、人がまっすぐ進もうとする時、邪魔になるもののことを指します。では、「障がい者」というのはどんな人ですか? 皆さんが暮らしていく中で、邪魔になる人、という意味でしょうか? もちろん違いますね。

This year is 2024. The Olympics were held in the summer. Do you remember where the Olympics were held this year? Yes, in Paris, France. Along with the Olympics, another big sports event took place, the Paralympics. Japanese athletes did very well in the Olympics and the Paralympics this summer.
Do you know what the Paralympics are? The Paralympics are the highest level of sports competitions for top athletes with disabilities. During the summer vacation, there was an event at the gym where kids could try different para-sports, like Boccia, wheelchair basketball, and blind soccer. There was even a chance to try using a prosthetic leg.
Recently, the day before the sports day, I heard from Mr. Hatsuse Yusuke, who is visually impaired and competed in judo at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. He told us a remarkable story, and I want to share it with you.
Earlier, I mentioned that the Paralympics are sports competitions for top athletes with disabilities. Mr. Hatsuse lost sight due to an illness as a university student. Usually, we think that “not being able to see” is his disability.
Have you heard the word “obstacle”? There are sometimes obstacle races in sports festivals where people must overcome hurdles and nets on the track. In this case, a “shogai (obstacle)” gets in the way when someone tries to move forward. So, what does “shogai-sha (disabled person)” mean? Does it mean someone who gets in the way of others? Of course not.
Mr. Hatsuse explained it using the example of people in wheelchairs. Some people have lost their legs or can’t walk due to accidents or illnesses. For them, being unable to walk and move around easily is a problem. But if they use a wheelchair, they can move around freely. It might be harder than walking, but they won’t be stuck. Also, many people in wheelchairs enjoy sports. They can play intense sports like basketball and rugby. Some even become weightlifting champions. In the bench press event, the person who can lift the heaviest weight in the world uses a wheelchair. Amazing!? But even these strong people can get stuck by a small step on the road. A 5cm step can stop them. For people in wheelchairs, that step is an “shogai (obstacle).” So, a shogai-sha (disabled person) is not a shogai (problem), but someone who faces problems because of obstacles.
We often think that a “disabled person” has a problem. However, Mr. Hatsuse taught us that the problem is not with the person but the environment around them. If the environment is improved, the problems they face can be reduced. Not having legs or being unable to walk might be unchangeable, but improving the environment can make their lives easier. There might be people around you who are facing problems. With a bit of help from others, their problems might go away.
So, the problem is not the person but the society and environment around them.

令和6年10月29日(火曜日) 「読書の秋」  Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 "The Autumn for Reading" by Ms. Y. M., a second-grade teacher

Y 先生

○○の秋というのは、聞いたことがあると思いますが、何で秋だけ○○の秋というのですか? なぜかというと、気温がちょうどいいからです。夏は暑すぎて、冬は寒すぎる。でも秋はちょうど良いいので、秋を楽しみましょうということです。


Today, I, Y, the homeroom teacher of Class 1-2, will be speaking.
When we think of autumn, we think of “the season for sports.” At the sports day on Saturday, I was deeply moved by the wonderful performances and dances from all the grades.
When we think of autumn, we often hear phrases like “the season for art” or “the season for autumn leaves.” But why do we associate autumn with so many activities? It’s because the temperature is just right. Summer is too hot, and winter is too cold. But autumn is just perfect for enjoying various activities.
Today, I want to talk about “the season for reading.” The temperature in autumn, around 20 degrees Celsius, is said to improve concentration, so it’s the perfect season to read various books. However, many people might feel lost when visiting the library and choosing which book to read. I recommend selecting a theme and looking for related books in such cases.
Today, since it’s “the season for appetite,” I want to introduce a book that features delicious food. Halloween is on October 31st, so I will introduce a book called “The Ghost’s Bakery,” which features ghosts and cakes. I borrowed this book from the local library. It’s a story about a ghost who makes the world’s most delicious cakes and a little girl. Some of you might think, “Is it a picture book?” But this book can be enjoyed by upper-grade students and adults as well. It’s such an incredible story that you might cry at the end. I will leave it in Class 1-2 for about a week, so if you’re interested, please read it. This book is part of a series, and there is another book called “The Ghost’s Secret Wish.”
Today, I talked about “the season for reading.” I hope you all find your favorite book.

令和6年10月21日(月曜日) 「運動会は何のため?」 白石副校長  Monday, October 21st, 2024 "What is the Sports Festival for?" by Vice-Principal Shiraishi


 運動会は、何のためにやるのですか? 先生たちは、こう考えているというのを皆さんにお話しします。目的は、3つあるのです。


This Saturday is the big day for the sports festival. Everyone has been working hard in practice.
Why do we have a sports festival? Let me share with you what the teachers think. There are three main purposes.
First, “To improve yourselves by performing to the best of your ability towards a goal.” We want you to enhance yourselves through hard work. Improving yourself will make your school life better. This is the first goal.
Second, “To foster a desirable attitude of cooperation and responsibility through unified activities.” Everyone is cooperating, but we want you to try even more.
Third, “Aim for physical and mental development and improvement of physical strength by fostering a positive attitude towards exercise.”
We want you to lead a better life, develop a desirable attitude, and improve your physical strength.
So, who is the sports festival for?
First, it’s for yourselves. We want you to improve yourselves. Then, it’s for your family so that they can see you. And also for the community. In our town of Yahiro, we have neighborhood associations and children’s associations. Recently, there was a Rope Jump X competition where community members organized a jump rope event. We want to show these people your hard work. How do you want to be seen?
It moves people when you show the effort you’ve put in through your attitude and spirit. Let’s inspire and entertain those who come to watch. And let’s grow ourselves.
We have five days left. It’s not too late to give it your all. I hope you will work hard.

令和6年10月15日(火曜日) 後期始業式


 先週もお話ししたとおり、今、私たちは教育目標の「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になることを目指して、主体的に生きる練習を続けています。後期はその練習をもっと充実させていきたいと考えています。具体的に後期は、先週話した「ノーチャイム」「ノー号令」「学習時間」以外にどんな練習をするのか、今日はお話しします。


Good morning.
Today marks the beginning of the second academic year, the 2024-25 semester. As we start this new term, I want to share some things I hope you will strive for.
As I mentioned last week, we have been practicing living proactively to achieve our educational goal of "Independence - A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently." In this second semester, we aim to enhance this practice even further. Today, I will talk about the specific practices we will focus on, in addition to the "no chimes," "no commands," and "study time" we discussed last week.
First, we have decided to stop giving daily "homework" assignments that teachers used to give out uniformly. Instead, I want you to start thinking and studying independently rather than doing things because someone told you to.
Do you know why you need to study? I would like you to think about it slowly if you have time. In my opinion, learning makes us wiser, enriches our lives, and makes us happier. Studying itself is not always fun. However, studying and training your brain allows you to see things from different perspectives and act correctly. This way, when you meet people with different ideas, you can respect and try to understand each other. You will become empathetic and able to live together with others. Currently, in the world, people are at war, hating and killing each other. I do NOT want you to have such experiences. Therefore, you must learn and think for yourselves.
What I want you to remember is to study diligently during school study time. Think, practice, and memorize during study time. Value each hour of study time. Additionally, it is natural to study on your own at home. Now, during your childhood, is the best time in your life to study. Train your flexible brain through study.
Some might think, "But if there's no homework, I don't know what to do." Don't worry. Trust us. Your teachers will teach you how to study. In the second semester, the teachers in each class will take time to teach you how to proceed with your studies independently, so please listen carefully during those times.
Besides the homework topic, you will have many opportunities in the second semester to practice thinking and acting independently. Soon, we will have the Sports Day, "the San-Azu Sports Festa," and a month later, the school festival. There will be many opportunities for you to shine in the second semester. Take care of your health, and let's have a lively and enjoyable school life.




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