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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の スクールライフ の中の 今日の給食 の中の 令和2年9月の給食 のページです。





切り干し大根ごはん 牛乳 鶏肉のごまだれ焼き けんちん汁


【Today's menu】
Dried radish rice, Grilled chicken with sesame sauce, Kenchin-soup

Today’s rice was cooked with meat, dried daikon radish, carrots, fried tofu and soup stock. And, dried daikon radish made by mixing with ingredients is a delicious dish with a soup stock flavor and sweetness. The students tasted and ate the Japanese food.


おかかごはん    牛乳     擬製豆腐    石狩汁


【Today's menu】
Okaka-rice, Japanese omelet, Ishikari-soup

Ishikari soup is a dish like miso soup with salmon. It is made after boiling the diced salmon once. Students ate a lot of Ishikari soup with lots of ingredients.


豆おこわ   牛乳    ニギスの磯辺揚げ   みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Chinese sticky rice, Deep fried fish, Miso soup

Deep-fried nigis Isobe was made by cooting it in green laver. It’s a fragrant dish of green laver.


冷やしうどん 牛乳 いかとさつまいもの天ぷら  柿


【Today's menu】
Cold Udon,  Tempura, persimmon

Today, we made two kinds of tempura, squid and sweet potato. Students ate it on udon noodles, ate it separately from udon noodles, and ate it as they liked.


中華丼  牛乳   バンサンスー  冷凍みかん

バBansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,Bansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,Bansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,Bansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,Bansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,Bansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,ンサンスーは、千切り野菜とはるさめのサラダです。給食室手作りドレッシングで、バンサンスーを残さずに食べていました。

【Today's menu】
Ankake don, Vermicelli salad,  Frozen mandarin oranges

Bansansu is a salad of chopped vegetables and vermicelli. The students ate all the bansansu with the dressing handmade in the school kitchen,


ねぎ塩豚丼   牛乳    豆腐スープ   梨


【Today's menu】
Buta-don, Tofu soup, Japanese pear

Seasonal pears are very popular every year. The students tasted and ate the fresh pears.


ごはん   牛乳   さばのぴりからやき   おひたし   みそしる


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled mackerel, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce, Miso soup

During the school lunch in August, mackerel sesame miso sauce was served. This month, I sprinkled a spicy sauce on top of the roasted mackerel. The sauce was made by heating sanon tou, soy sauce, mirin, and doubanjang, and thickening it with potato starch. The students tasted and ate two side dishes with rice.


いかのあんかけやきそば   牛乳     三色ビーンズ    プラム


【Today's menu】
Yakisoba, Deep fried soybeans, Plum

Today’s school lunch is three-color beans made with fried soybeans, black soybeans, and green soybeans and mixed with salt. I told the students that I wanted the beans to be picked up with chopsticks and eaten.


ココアパン   牛乳     魚のハーブパン粉焼き   米粉シチュー

今Today’s stew is thickened with rice flour. White roux is not used in the stew, but it tastes the same as a regular stew because it has melted butter in the finish. Although it is a hot season, the students ate a lot of the stew.日のシチューは、米粉でとろみをつけました。ホワイトルーを使っていないシチューですが、溶かしバターを最後に入れているため、普段のシチューと同じような味です。暑い季節ですが、米粉シチューもよく食べていました。

【Today's menu】
Cocoa bread, grilled fish, Stew

Today’s stew is thickened with rice flour. White roux is not used in the stew, but it tastes the same as a regular stew because it has melted butter in the finish. Although it is a hot season, the students ate a lot of the stew.


ガルバンゾーカレーライス       牛乳        海藻サラダ


【Today's menu】
Curry and rice, Salad

Today’s school lunch is curry using chickpeas (garbanzo). Curry is still one of the popular menu items for school lunches.


ごはん        牛乳       酢豚       中華風スープ


【Today's menu】
Rice, Sweet and sour pork, Soup

Sweet and sour pork contains fried potatoes, meat, green peppers and onions. The students ate a lot of sweet and sour pork with ketchup flavor and rice.

Preparing now


冷やしラーメン 牛乳 ガーリックじゃがバター 冷凍みかん


【Today's menu】
Ramen, Steamed potatoes with garlic, Frozen mandarin oranges

Usually, students serve vegetables as ramen ingredients in their classroom. However, in order to shorten the serving time in the classroom, I put vegetables in the soup today. The chilled noodle dish seemed to be enjoyed after not having it for a long time, and the students ate a lot.


あんかけごはん 牛乳 こんにゃくのぴりり煮 梨(豊水)


【Today's menu】
Ankake-rice,  Japanese stew, Japanese pear

Ankake rice contains squid, meat, konjac and 5 kinds of vegetables. The students ate all the ankake rice with a lot of ingredients.


きつねごはん   牛乳    焼きシシャモ    田舎汁


【Today's menu】

Today’s fox rice contains a sweet and spicy fried tofu. Fox rice is made from rice cooked with soup stock and seasonings, it has a strong taste and is one of the staple foods that can be eaten easily even in the hot weather. I told students that I wanted them to eat all the rice grains.


きなこ揚げパン 牛乳 ポテトの重ね焼き 野菜スープ


【Today's menu】
Fried bread,  Baked potatoes, Soup

Today’s lunch is the first fried bread this year. For the first graders, it was the first fried bread to eat at school lunch. There is no air conditioning equipment in the school kitchen, and it exceeds 30 degrees every day. In addition, it uses a large amount of heat to cook, so it is extremely hot. The fried bread was made by carefully frying the bread in the heat, it seemed to be delicious.


ジャンバラヤ  牛乳  コーンサラダ  パインケーキ


【Today's menu】
Jambalaya,  Salad,  Pine apple cake

The local food of the Mississippi River basin in the southern United State is called Cajun food. Jambalaya, one of the typical dishes, is cooked rice in which ingredients such as chicken, sausage, celery, onions and bell peppers are added and finished with a spicy tomato flavor. It seems that it originated from Spanish paella. At school, the spiciness was weakened, so it seemed easy for the first graders to eat.


わかめごはん  牛乳   和風厚焼き玉子   豚汁


【Today's menu】
Wakae rice,  Japanese omlets, Tonjiru

Today’s lunch is Japanese food. I told students to put the rice on the left side of the tray and the pork soup on the right side.


坦々チャーハン 牛乳 野菜チップス  五目スープ


【Today's menu】
Tantan fried rice,  Fried  Vegetables, Soup

Tantan fried rice is a dish in which fried rice is topped with miso-flavored meat. It seems that the sweet and spicy miso-flavored meat was delicious. Vegetable chips are a very popular dish every year. They were made from sweet potato, burdock root, pumpkin and lotus root fried in oil.


ビーンズピザトースト 牛乳 ABCスープ 冷凍りんご

It’s hot, so it’s easy to lose your appetite every day. So, today’s menu is simple and easy for students to eat. Today’s fruit is an apple. The students ate all the fruit that was perfect for the hot season.毎日暑く、食欲が落ちやすい季節なので、今日は食べやすいシンプルなメニューにしました。果物は、冷凍りんごです。暑い季節にぴったりのフルーツを、残さずに食べていました。

【Today's menu】
Pizza toast,   ABC soup, Frozen apples

It’s hot, so it’s easy to lose your appetite every day. So, today’s menu is simple and easy for students to eat. Today’s fruit is an apple. The students ate all the fruit that was perfect for the hot season.






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