豆おこわ 牛乳 ちゃんこじる 冷凍パインアップル
【Today's menu】
Okowa, Chanko soup, Frozen Pineapple
Today’s Chanko soup contains meat, fish(cod), fried tofu, konjac, mushroom and 6 kinds of vegetables. This is served every year as a Sumida Word dish.
カレーライス 牛乳 わかめサラダ
【Today's menu】
Curry Rice, Wakame salad
【Today's menu】
Curry Rice, Wakame salad
Chutney is used for curry sauce or paste-like seasoning that is indispensable for Indian food. Chutney is made by adding spices to vegetables and fruits and then pickling or boiling them. Chutney includes mango, apple and banana.
フィッシュカレーピラフ 牛乳 ミネストローネ
【Today's menu】
Curry pilaf, Minestrone
Today’s fish curry pilaf contained fried swordfish. The curry pilaf contained fried sword fish. The curry-flavored pilaf seemed delicious and students ate well
わかめうどん 牛乳 たこぺったん
【Today's menu】
Wakame Udon, Tako-pettan
“Tako-pettan” is an okonomiyaki-like dish that uses boiled soybeans, octopus, and vegetables. It is made by mixing dough and ingredients, crushed and fried in oil. It’s a dish designed by a nutritionist in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
米粉パン 牛乳 グラタン キャロットソースサラダ
【Today's menu】
Rice flour bread, gratin, Salad
The word dressing for salads came from dress. It is said that it came to be called salad dressing in the sense that it decorates and seasons salad. The students ate all the vegetables with handmade dressing.
こぎつねずし 牛乳 豚汁
【Today's menu】
Dishes using fried tofu are sometimes called “kitsune(fox)”. It is said that the color of fried tofu is similar to the color of foxes, and that foxes like it.6月22日(月曜)の給食
シーフードライス 牛乳 豆乳と米粉のシチュー
【Today's menu】
Sea food rice, White stew
Soy milk was added to today’s white stew. For school lunch, we use unconditioned soy milk for stews and gratin. The students tasted and ate this Western food menu.
きのこのかきたまうどん 牛乳 大学芋
【Today's menu】
Beaten egg udon, Candied sweet potatoes
The candied sweet potatoes handmade in the school kitchen are popular with the students. The school kitchen is extremely hot because there is no air conditioning. Especially for fried food, the cooks’ physical strength is reduced. In the heat, the carefully fried food was very popular with the students, and they ate all it.
石狩ごはん 牛乳 かき玉汁 冷凍りんご
【Today's menu】
Ishikari rice, Beaten egg soup, Frozen Apple
Ishikari rice is a dish named after the Ishikari River in Hokkaido. In the school kitchen, we solely baked a fillet of salmon, cut into 3 pieces, in the oven, and we removed the bones carefully and mixed the fish with rice. Salmon is one of the students’ favorite fish. They ate and enjoyed the slightly salty Ishikari rice.
セサミトースト 牛乳 ポークビーンズ
【Today's menu】
Sesame toast, Poak Beans
Pork and beans is an American home-cooked dish. We simmered the pork and beans were popular. The students ate well, without leaving anything behind.
パエリア 牛乳 ひよこ豆入りサラダ
【Today's menu】
Paella, Galvanzo salad
The chickpeas in today’s salad resemble the shape of a chick. In Spanish, the chickpea is called garbanzo. We boiled and seasoned the beans in the school kitchen, mixed them with dressing in the classroom and ate them. I want students to eat many vegetables and be in good shape.
わかめごはん 牛乳 肉じゃが
【Today's menu】
Wakame-rice, japanese stewed meat and potatoes