ごはん 牛乳 ぶりの照り焼き 大豆の五目煮 けんちん汁
【Today's menu】
Rice, Yellowtail Teriyaki, Gomokuni, Clear soup
Yellowtail, which is in season in winter, is also used for New Year dishes because it is a good luck fish. The seasonal yellowtail was fatty and seemed to be delicious, and the students ate everything.
キムチチャーハン 牛乳 ナムル ニギスの唐揚げ みかん
【Today's menu】
Fried rice, Deep fried Nigisu, Namul, Mandarin orange
Small fish such as deep-sea smelt are chewy, so it is a “chew chew menu” today. The students were delighted with having kimchi fried rice after a long time.
五目あんかけやきそば 牛乳 ポテトの香味和え りんご
【Today's menu】
Ankake-Yakisoba, Seamed potatoes with sesame, Apple
Today’s Gomoku Yakisoba bean paste contain plenty of vegetables. Naruto is also included in it.
黒砂糖パン 牛乳 ミートボールのクリームソースかけ 粉ふきいも スープ
【Today's menu】
Bread, Meatball with white sauce, Steamed potatoes, Soup
Cream cheese sauce was sprinkled on the handmade meatball in the school kitchen. We baked about 1200 meatballs in the oven.
切り干し大根ごはん 牛乳 かぼちゃのそぼろ煮 白菜のゆず風味
【Today's menu】
Okowa, japanese pumpkin stew, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce
Today’s school lunch is a winter solstice menu using pumpkin and yuzu. I want students to spend their days well, even on cold days.
ひじきごはん 牛乳 高野豆腐の玉子とじ 塩もみ風 みかん
【Today's menu】
Hijiki rice, Koya tofu with soft scrambled egg, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce, Mandarin orange
Koya tofu is an ingredient that was first made at a temple in Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture. Today, we bound vegetables and Koya tofu with eggs.
ココアトースト 牛乳 野菜サラダ サーモンチャウダー
【Today's menu】
Cacao toast, Salad, salmon chowder
Salmon chowder contains various ingredients such as salmon, lentils, meat, vegetables and potatoes. It seems that having cocoa toast after a long time was also very enjoyable for the students.
ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮 ごまあえ かきたまじる
【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled macerel with Miso sauce, Beaten egg soup
I told the students that I would like them to eat the Japanese menu of one soup and two vegetables and to use chopsticks well.
こぎつね寿司 牛乳 いかのねぎ塩焼き きのこと豆腐のすまし汁
【Today's menu】
Chirashi sushi, Grilled squid with sesame sauce, Clear soup
Today’s squid is a “chew chew menu”. I told students to chew well while they eat.
スパゲッティナポリタン 牛乳 豆乳ドレッシングのサラダ ゼリー
【Today's menu】
Spaghetti Napolitan, Salad, Orange jelly
Today’s salads have a mellow dressing with soy milk. I want students to eat all the salads with handmade dressings.
ねぎ塩豚丼 牛乳 わかめスープ みかん
【Today's menu】
Pork-don, Soup, Mandarin orange
I want students to eat seasonal oranges and help prevent colds.
菜(小松菜)めし 牛乳 肉豆腐 ほうれんそうのごまあえ
【Today's menu】
Nameshi, Japanese stew, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce
Komatsuna, which is in season in winter, is included in Nameshi. It contains meat, tofu, glute, konjac, and various other ingredients.
ガルバンゾカレーライス 牛乳 キャロットソースサラダ りんご
【Today's menu】
Curry and rice, Salad, Apple
Today’s carrot sauce salad dressing contains boiled and pasted carrots. It’s a salad with the delicious sweetness of carrots.
石狩ごはん 牛乳 糸寒天のごま酢和え こんにゃくのピリリ煮
【Today's menu】
Ishikari-rice, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce, Stew
Today, we backed three-grated salmon in the school kitchen, removed the skin and bones of the salmon, and made Ishikari rice. It’s a laborious dish, but it’s served as a seasonal dish every year.
パン 牛乳 魚のハーブパン粉焼き アマトリチャーナ 玉子スープ
【Today's menu】
Mile bread, Grilled fish with curry sauce, L'amatriciana, Beaten egg soup
Amatriciana is a paste dish named after the town of Amatrice in Italy. It’s a dish of bacon with to tomatoes added and boiled down.
きつねうどん 牛乳 青のりビーンズ みかん
【Today's menu】
Hot Udon, Deep fried soy beans, Mandarin orange
The 5th day of “Anniversary Week Lunch” is “Udon” for the “U” in Omedetou. Kitsune udon was more popular than curry udon in the pre-questionnaire for students. Therefore, today’s school lunch is Kitsune udon. I hope the students enjoyed the 5-day anniversary week.
じゃこの手作りふりかけ・ごはん 牛乳 鶏の唐揚げ すまし汁
【Today's menu】
Rice, Furikake, Karaage, Clear soup
The 4th day of the “Anniversary Week Lunch” is “Tori-no-karaage” (fried chicken) for the “To” in Omedetou. In the pre-questionnaire for students, fried chicken was more popular than pork cutlet.
茶飯 牛乳 キャベツのごま酢和え おでん
【Today's menu】
Rice, Oden, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce
The third day of the “Anniversary Week Lunch” is “Oden” for the “De” in Omedetou. I want students to taste various oden.
シーフードライス 牛乳 花野菜のサラダ メープルケーキ
【Today's menu】
Seafood rice, Salad, Maple cake
The second day of the “Anniversary Week Lunch” is “Maple Cake” for the “Me” in Omedetou. In a preliminary questionnaire to students, many students wanted a cake for dessert, so I served cake today