おかかごはん 牛乳 ししゃものごま焼き からしあえ 田舎汁
【Today's menu】
Bonito flakes rice, Grilled Shisyamo, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce, Miso-soup
Today’s lunch was Japanese food, a bowl of soup and two side dishes. I checked with the students regarding how to place and hold the dishes and how to use chopsticks.
豚飯(トンハン) 牛乳 大豆とさつま芋の揚げ煮 チンゲンサイスープ
【Today's menu】
Pork rice, Candied Japanese sweet potatoes and fried soybean, Soup
いなかうどん 牛乳 たこぺったん みかん
【Today's menu】
Udon, Tako pettan, Satsuma mandarins
親子丼 牛乳 糸こんにゃくの和え物 りんご
【Today's menu】
Oyako-don, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce, Apple
Today’s Oyako-don contains kamaboko. Kamaboko is a food made by steaming minced fish. Students ate all of the Oyako-don with eggs, vegetables and kamaboko.
きなこ揚げパン 牛乳 グリーンサラダ 豆乳のシチュー
【Today's menu】
Fried bread with kinako, Salad, Soybean milk stew
Fried bread is a school lunch that was invented 50 years ago in the Ota Ward, Tokyo. Today’s lunch was fried bread with kinako, salt and granulated sugar.
ごはん 牛乳 くじらの竜田揚げ 豚汁 みかん
【Today's menu】
Rice, Tatsuta fried whales, Miso-soup, Wenzhou oranges
About 60 years ago, in school lunches, tatsuta fried whales were often served. It is rare to eat whale meat now, but it was nutritious and easily available, so it was often eaten in the past.
わかめごはん 牛乳 五目玉子焼き すいとん
【Today's menu】
Wakame-rice, Japanese omlet, Suiton
Suiton was eaten often as part of school lunch about 70 years ago. After the war, it was difficult to get rice. Because it was said that suiton was made of flour instead of rice, it was served for school lunch.
ごはん 牛乳 鮭の塩焼き おひたし みそしる
【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled salmon, Boiled vegetable with japanese sauce, Miso soup
January 24th to 30th is National School Lunch Week. In this school, I introduce old school lunches so that students can know the history of school lunches. Today’s lunch menu is based on lunch in the Meiji era. The first lunch menu in the Meiji era was a rice ball, salmon and boiled vegetables.
中華丼 牛乳 バンサンスー りんご
【Today's menu】
Chukadon, Boiled vegetable with chinese sauce, Apple
The season for apples is winter. It is the season when we can eat the most nutritious and delicious food of the year.
明日葉パン 牛乳 めかじきのバーベキューソースかけ 粉ふき芋 スープ
【Today's menu】
Ashitaba bread, Grilled Broadbill swordfish with barbecue sauce, Steamed potatos, Soup
Today, the ashitaba in the bread is ingredients from Hachijojima in Tokyo. I would like to introduce a lot of ingredients from Tokyo in to school lunch.
ごはん・ふりかけ 牛乳 いかのねぎ塩焼き いもこ汁
【Rice, Furikake, Grilled Squid, Clear soup 】
Today’s furikake was hand-made with kelp, shavings, seasoning and sesame seeds. If the kanji of “rice” is broken apart, it becomes “eighty-eight”. It is said that it will take 88 actions before rice is grown. I told this to the students and asked them to eat carefully without leaving any rice grains.
ごはん 牛乳 四湖豆腐 切り干し大根ともやしのナムル
【Rice, Si-ho tofu, Namul】
Si-ho is a lake in China. Si-ho tofu is a tofu dish made from tomatoes grown near this lake. Students ate a lot of rice with Si-ho tofu, which was full of tofu and vegetables.
小豆ごはん 牛乳 鰆の塩麹焼き おひたし なめこ汁
【Today's menu】
Azuki bean rice, Grilled fish, Boiled vegetable with soy sauce, Miso soup
There is a custom to celebrate Little New Year’s Day on January 15. On that day, we sometimes eat Dondo-yaki and rice gruel with adzuki beans. Today we made adzuki bean porridge as a food for Little New Year’s. I want the students to remember this event food that celebrates Little New Year.
ビーンズピザトースト 牛乳 野菜スープ フルーツシャンティ
【Today's menu】
Pizza toast, Soup, Fruit Chantilly cream
Fruit chantilly cream is a dessert made of whipped cream, cream cheese, yogurt and fruits. Students ate without leaving any fruit mixed with the handmade cream.
ごはん 牛乳 松風焼き こづゆ みかん
【Rice, Matsukaze-yaki, Clear soup, Satsuma mandarins】
Matsukaze-yaki is a dish that celebrates the New Year and is also used for New Year’s dishes. The school kitchen handmade it, and it seemed delicious. I introduced the meaning of eating Matsukaze-yaki to the students.
ココアパン 牛乳 おみくじコロッケ ABCスープ 柑橘類(はるか)
【Today's menu】
Cacao bread, Fortune Croquette, ABC-Soup, Citrus
The fortune croquette contains either a quail egg, octopus or wiener. The meaning of the contents of the fortune croquette was introduced in a letter. Please talk about it at home.
七草うどん 牛乳 ごま酢和え 白玉お汁粉
【Today's menu】
Nanakusa-Udon, Boiled vegetable with sesame dressing, Oshiruko