シーフードピラフ 牛乳 アメリカンフライドチキン 星のきらきらスープ
【Today's menu】 Seafood pilaf, American fried chicken, Sparkly star soup, Grape jelly
Today's school lunch was a special menu with fried chicken and a Christmas dessert because Christmas is near.
煮込みうどん 牛乳 白菜のゆず風味 かぼちゃの蒸しパン
【Today's menu】 Stewed udon, Chinese cabbage with yuzu flavor, Pumpkin steamed bread
December 22nd is the winter solstice. In the school kitchen, we cooked steamed pumpkin bread and yuzu dressing. Eat well and have a healthy year.
ひじきごはん 牛乳 鮭のごま焼き みそ汁
【Today's menu】 Hijiki rice, Grilled salmon with sesame seeds, Miso soup
Hijiki is the same type of seaweed as kelp and wakame seaweed. It contains a lot of calcium that strengthens bone and teeth.
ひよこ豆入りカレーライス オニオンドレッシングサラダ りんご
【Today's menu】 Curry rice with chickpeas, Onion dressing salad, Apple
Chickpeas have a bird's beak-like protrusion, and if you look closely, they are chick-shaped beans. We put it in the curry today.
五目あんかけ焼きそば 牛乳 ポテトの香味あえ オレンジ
【Today's menu】 Ankake fried noodles, Flavored potatoes, Orange
Ankake fried noodles with 6 kinds of vegetables, pork and squid are very popular with students.
ごはん 牛乳 鯖のみそ煮 ごま酢あえ 根菜汁
【Today's menu】 Rice, Simmened mackerel with miso, Vegetables with sesame vinegar, Root vegetables soup
Mackerel contains a lot of proteins that make blood and muscle, nutrients that make blood smooth, and nutrients that improve the work of head.
セサミトースト 牛乳 ホワイトシチュー ひよこ豆のサラダ
【Today's menu】 Sesame toast, White stew, Chickpea salad
Today's school lunch is freshly baked sesame toast with plenty of sesame and butter. The students also ate a carefully simmered white stew.
キムチチャーハン 牛乳 にぎすのからあげ ナムル みかん
【Today's menu】 Kimchi fried rice, Fried deep sea smelt, Namul, Orange
Kimchi fried rice was a request from class 5-3. It has a spicy flavor.
ねぎ塩豚丼 牛乳 わかたま汁 りんご
【Today's menu】 Pork bowl with salt and green onions, Wakame seaweed and egg soup, Apple
Pork is high in vitamin B1 and has the effect of relieving fatigue. I want students to eat it well and get through the week.
ミルクパン 牛乳 魚のカレーパン粉焼き カルボナーラポテト イタリアンスープ
【Today's menu】 Milk bread, Bread crumbs grilled of fish, Carbonara potatoes, Italian soup
Carbonara potatoes are steamed potatoes, combined with fried bacon and garlic, and seasoned with cream, grated cheese, salt and papper. Hoki was used as the fish in the dish.
高野豆腐のそぼろ丼 牛乳 すまし汁 りんご
【Today's menu】 Koyadofu soboro bowl, Clear soup, Apple
Koyadofu is a food unique to Japan that has frozen tofu. In addition to protein, it contains calcium and iron.
菜めし 牛乳 肉豆腐 ごま和え
【Today's menu】 Rice boiled with greens, Meat and tofu, Vegetable with sesame
Rice boiled with greens is rice with Japanese mustard spinach. The vitamins contained in Japanese mustard spinach make you less likely to catch colds and other illnesses. It also contains a lot of calcium that strengthens teeth and bones.
スパゲティナポリタン 牛乳 フレンチサラダ みかん
【Today's menu】 Spaghetti Napolitan, French salad, Orange
Today's school lunch is Napolitan with a delicious taste. It contains wieners, vegetables and mash roux and is nutritious. It went well with the refreshing French salad.
中華丼 牛乳 もずくスープ りんご
【Today's menu】 Chukadon, Mozuku seaweed soup, Apple
Mozuku seaweed contains calsium that strengthens bones, iron that prevents anemia, and dietary fiber that helps to tone tha stomach.
ごはん 牛乳 ぶりの照り焼き 大豆の五目煮 みそ汁
【Today's menu】 Rice, Yellowtail teriyaki, Boiled soybeans, Miso soup
Yellowtail is a seasonal fish from December to January. At this time it is fatty and delicious. I want students to taste the seasonal fish.
ごまごはん 牛乳 和風厚焼き卵たまご 切り干し大根の炒め煮 みそ汁
【Today's menu】 Sesame rice, Japanese-style thick-grilled egg, Stir-fried dried daikon radish, Miso soup
Today's school lunch was Japanese food. The correct position on the tray is to put the rice on the left side and the soup on the right side. I want students to remember it firmly.
きな粉揚げパン 牛乳 ごまだれサラダ レンズ豆のスープ
【Today's menu】 Kinako fried bread, Sesame-flavored dressing salad, Lentil soup
Kinako fried bread was a request from classes 3-2, 4-3, 5-1, 5-2, 6-1 and 6-3. It's crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside and is delicious.