塩やきそば 牛乳 とうふとわかめのかき玉汁 梨
【Today's menu】
Yakisoba, Beaten egg soup, Japanese pear
Pears are in season in summer. There are various types of pears that we can enjoy until winter. The students were tasting the fresh pears.
ごはん 鯖のごまみそかけ 五目煮 きのこと豆腐のすまし汁
【Today's menu】
Rice, Baked mackerel with sesame sauce, Gomokuni, Clear soup
シーフードライス 牛乳 豆乳のポタージュ つぶつぶゼリー
【Today's menu】
Sea food rice, Potages, Orange jelly
The students were over joyed by today’s cold jelly. It was made by blending orange juice and canned oranges in a blender to leave a granular texture. The students seemed to enjoy the texture.
ごはん・昆布のふりかけ 牛乳 ししゃものごま焼き 肉じゃが
【Today's menu】
Frikake rice, Shisyamo, Nikujyaga
黒砂糖パン 牛乳 シェパーズパイ 野菜スープ
シShepherd’s pie is a British home dish that uses mashed potatoes instead of pie dough. It was baked in an oven with mashed potatoes spread on meat sauce and cheese. It is easy to eat even in the hot summer. Furthermore, it is a menu that can shorten the time for serving. First graders especially tend to prefer Western food to Japanese food. It seemed that they ate it without leaving anything on their plates.ェパーズパイとは、マッシュポテトをパイ生地のかわりにした、イギリスの家庭料理です。ミートソースに、マッシュポテトを広げ、チーズをのせてオーブンで焼きました。暑い夏でも、食べやすいメニューです。さらに、配膳の時間も短縮できるメニューです。1年生は特に、和食より洋食を好む傾向があります。今日の給食は、残さず食べている様子でした。
【Today's menu】
Bread, Shepherd's pie, Soup
チンジャオロース丼 牛乳 パリパリサラダ 冷凍みかん
【Today's menu】
Chinja olose-don, Salad, Frozen mandarin oranges
There is no conditioning in the school kitchen, so the temperature exceeds 30 degrees. Even in high humidity, the cooks were covered in white lob coats, hats and masks. Therefore, they are careful about heat stroke when cooking the school lunch. The first lunch in August was a menu that students especially liked. In August, we will strive to provide safe and delicious lunch.